Consultant Name: Vickie Roloff
Company Name: Progressive Community Services, Inc.
Phone Number: 608-628-7779
Work History
Job Title: IRIS Consultant
Care Responsibilities: With over 20 years of experience working within the Dane County adult long term care system, I have held different positions, including Program Coordinator (Residential/SHC), Support Broker with PCS, and currently IRIS Consultant. I specialize in partnering with Participants, families, guardians, and various Providers to develop both short and long-term supports, while building strong relationships. My approach is rooted in a genuine desire to help people live as independently as possible, working closely with them to identify the right resources and support to reach their goals.
An integral part of my work as an IC include the six domains of self-direction: health and safety; having a place of one’s own; community integration; relationships; employment; control over transportation.
Educational Background
Name of Institution: UW-Milwaukee
Major/Degree: Masters in Educational Psychology
Name of Certification/Accreditation:
Certifying Agency:
Date Certification was Obtained:
My specialties include working with people who may have an ID, PD, Frail Elder, SPMI, and TBI.
County/Region I’m familiar with
Languages or Communication Skills
I’m comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
I believe that it is of utmost importance to approach people with dignity and respect. Everyone has purpose and meaning, and life is about revealing that truth and finding balance.
I define myself as a mother, and I am grateful for all the lessons that motherhood has taught me.
I love spending time with my pets (1-dog and 2-cats), watching the Badgers, being outside, and finding ways to laugh as much as possible.